I'm sorry

Fri, 29 Jan 1999 13:11:56 -0500 (EST)

I just now reread what I sent out last night.  By someone's suggestion (thanks
mattis!) I realized how horrible it was.  I haven't contributed much, and here
I was asking for help.  Plus, I wasn't exactly speaking in English (I have my
own language and typing style and words that my friends like to call it
Meredita).  I wasn't very clear either. Geez...the problems I have.  Well,
sorry, and to clarify, I was just attempting to write a 3-part divided thesis
that I could use in my 6-page paper.  I have one, I just personally think it
sucks and was looking for ideas to improve it.  Boy, I wish I could be like
Holden and just sort of flunk out of school, but I try to hard, I care too
much, even though I don't want to.  But thanks those of you who don't
completely think of me as just some flippant girl looking for answers or such.
Believe me, thats not it.  Well, thats all from this end.  Bis spaeter!