Re: salinger on radio

Subject: Re: salinger on radio
From: Tim O'Connor (
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 17:17:01 GMT

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 12:02:08PM -0400, Amber Raley wrote:

> It is disappointing that you (Will) did not make it on the show. I would
> love to have heard what you had to say and what you sound like (I have my
> own theories on the latter). I wanted to ask if there are any other
> Bananafish who did make it on the show. Also if anyone happened to hear
> and/or record the broadcast if they could share that material with others.

You can hear repeats at will by going to:

I was up pretty early and tuned in. It was terribly dull, and
predictable in all the worst ways. Perhaps the highlight was hearing
Nick Hornby offer commentary, and even he was only moderate. There
was little, if anything, to recommend this show, I thought.


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