RE: international reading habits

Subject: RE: international reading habits
From: Valérie Aron (
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 04:12:01 GMT

Zazie wrote:
> I guess Will thought that people would think he was
> a net pervert if he asked that question. I think
> it's sad that people
> feel they have to defend these kind of questions
> like 'where do come from?'
> Isn't it the first question one askes when one meets
> new people?
> Can somebody please tell me what's going on? Does
> anybody on this
> list have actual experience with netperverts? (even
> if you are one
> yourself ...? ;-)
   Yep, but it wasn't my first virtual meet with Will,
so there was no ambiguity.
About experience with netperverts: I think I've
already talk too much about it. Apparently, we both
are favorite victims: maybe netperverts didn't exist
15 years ago??? well, I've doubts about this. The real
question is: is Salinger a netpervert???

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