RE: Daumier-Smith and Empathy

Subject: RE: Daumier-Smith and Empathy
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 11:23:47 GMT

On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 07:08:05AM -0500, Paul Miller wrote:

> I think it's a little sad that I have to defend a review of a Salinger story
> posted to a Salinger discussion list.

At the same time, you have
lots of readers here who might not have read you as carefully as you
would have liked, or who simply may have honestly disagreed with you.
I'm sorry if it seems that you were being personally attacked. I like
to think it was something other than that.


Tim, as always, proves to be kinder and gentler!
And to Paul: pouvre toi!
Maybe i should give you credit to stick your neck out ...
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