Re: Have a look at this!

Subject: Re: Have a look at this!
From: Tim O'Connor (
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 13:14:31 GMT

>See if anything grabs you on THIS page:

"!!!" indeed. I know that JDS rented a place in Connecticut during
much of the time he was composing Catcher -- that is, REALLY
composing on paper what would become the final book (because as we
know, he spent about 10 years composing it in his head and in bits
and pieces that turned into stories) -- and that he rented what was
described (in Hamilton's book, I think) as a room on Third Avenue
where he was said to have worked in a dead heat for about three weeks
finishing it up and avoiding people and distractions. This is the
first time I've heard anything of him setting foot in WISCONSIN, of
all places.

Some who know me will tell you that I have nothing against Wisconsin,
which has some marvelous people living in it, but has anyone else
read in any of the biographical material that exists about JDS
spending time in that state to work on Catcher? I don't know ...
there's something in there that just sounds highly suspect.

But that may purely be my East Coast bias showing.

Thanks for the pointer. Before I saw the Wisconsin address at
bottom, I thought it was the place in Connecticut, and I had begun
secretly hatching a plot to visit there. Now, of course, it's rather
out of the question because it's a bit far for a weekend jaunt, but
still, it's nice to know about it. It would be even better to hear
from someone who can speak of it authoritatively to know whether JDS
really did spend time there to work on the novel.


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