Re: My face is straight. So is my spine.

Subject: Re: My face is straight. So is my spine.
From: Cecilia Baader (
Date: Tue Jul 02 2002 - 22:49:44 EDT

--- Tim O'Connor <> wrote:
> Those who wonder about the word "nunzamok," a few lines above: I
> refer you to Cecilia (who is invited to comment as much as or as
> little as she wishes), who knows, reasonably well, my sentiments
> on those who dwell among us in the guise of nuns. She knows the
> dangers of reaching a state of *nunz-a-poppin*, a rare condition
> in which one finds oneself inundated by nuns. Well ... rare for
> some of us, less so for the unfortunate ones.

Don't listen to him, sistahs. I know nothing about nuns, amok or
otherwise. No, no. You cannot torture the truth out of me, despite the
varied arcane methods that the church has perfected over the centuries. I
know nothing, you hear? I do not even know this, this, Tim O'Connor. I
mean, clearly the man is insane. If you don't believe me, I must refer
you to the next paragraph:

> I am writing this to you from the rather unusual (for me) locale
> of Iceland, where I am working with Dave Eggers to correct a new
> problem that has caused his hair to lose its curl. The problem,
> at its most pressing, threatens the production of the next issue
> of his quarterly magazine, McSweeney's. Since a delay like that
> would be dismaying to the world of letters, I felt that I had no
> choice but to borrow a curling iron and board the fastest flight
> to Reykjavik, where the magazine is produced.

Note that this man, known to this list as "Tim O'Connor," but to whom we
share forthwith refer to as the mythic figure, LaughingTim (for who else
but a superhero could find a curling iron on such short notice?), claims
to be in Iceland with the oft-mentioned but rarely-glimpsed Dave Eggers.

Last seen, SuperTim was crossing the New York/Wisconsin border in a
slightly wrinkled chambray shirt, wreaking havoc on all of the
cheesemakers. This week, he claims to be saving the curl in Dave Eggers'
hair. Now, agreed, anyone who's ever seen a picture of the McSweeney's
editor's feted head of hair would agree that this national treasure NEEDS
saving. However, we have only the word of LaughingTim that the curl has
lost a bit of its bounce. Can we truly trust the word of a man who drinks
eagles' blood and sees nunzamok all over?

Clearly, the rumors about my knowledge in this have been exaggerated. I
thank you for ignoring this entire matter.


(And just as clearly, this message makes absolutely no sense, even to me.
If you need help deciphering it, refer to 'Nine Stories' and McSweeney's
Quarterly, which is one of the few remaining journals that publishes
fiction that doesn't make me want to puke. Bravo, Dave Eggers.)

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