a very fine establishment

Subject: a very fine establishment
From: Scottie Bowman (rbowman@indigo.ie)
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 16:42:43 EDT

    I've obviously been led badly astray by some glib hack
    concerning the calibre & importance of the MLA.
    Although I'm not quite clear where Will's 'warmed over PR'
    comes in. So dismissive a piece can hardly be the view of itself
    that the MLA wishes to promulgate.


    It IS reassuring to hear so many scholars come to the defence
    of the outfit - a bit like a seminar of vice presidents listing
    the vital contributions Standard Oil are making towards
    the saving of the environment.

    What's a little less reassuring is to read Matt's
    48-words-without-taking-a-breath denunciation.
    One can hear the coollness & objectivity leaking away
    with that unmistakable blattering noise that wind makes
    as it escapes from a sacred - but now punctured - cow.

    Scottie B.

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