Chaim Potok

Subject: Chaim Potok
From: Tim O'Connor (
Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 - 22:00:09 EDT

We were recently discussing writer Chaim Potok here. He is someone I
admired greatly; his example of telling, simply, stories about a couple
of boys in Brooklyn helped me imagine that there might be a place in
the world of writers for someone else who saw the world in a similar,
if not Orthodox, way -- and so he was a great influence to me when I
was only a teen and was finding my way into what would be my future.
How mine works out is yet to be seen. How his worked out is a matter
of record.

Chaim Potok died this afternoon (Tuesday, July 23) of brain cancer.
He was working on a new novel even recently. It is unclear how far
along he was on the new work.

It is always a sad moment when the world loses someone one admires,
and -- without apology for the lack of Salinger content here -- I want
to take a moment here (the only place I genuinely know to turn at such
a moment) to acknowledge the sadness, to me, of this loss.

My secular blessings on the passing of a man who seemed tremdously
vital, through ups and downs in his admirable career.

--tim o'connor

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