Re: Poetry or prose?

From: <>
Date: Tue Jul 01 2003 - 00:44:31 EDT

Is anyone familiar with the short story (I believe it's called "The Colonel," but not sure and don't remember the author), often studied as an example of blurring the boundary between poetry and prose? I remember it accomplishing this, with something similar to Jim's idea of an "aesthetic experience, which could just as well arise from any medium...." (no bodysurfing or sex, though).

I studied it in a high school writing class. Haven't been able to find it again, but would like to. The story/poem is a brief depiction of barbarism, the most poignant image being a pile of the severed ears of war prisoners. A depressing view of human nature, to be sure; still and all, I'm saving a space for it on my dorm room wall.


ps, forgive the intrusion, just joined the list. picked up a copy of F&Z for a long plane ride, and got hooked on Salinger about a month ago.

-------Original Message-------
From: "L. Manning Vines" <>
Sent: 06/30/03 08:14 PM
Subject: Re: Poetry or prose?

> John O. writes:
<< Circumnambulate the city of a dreamy Sabbath afternoon. [. . .] >>

Because I can't resist, more from the same book: (though I will not
bother to insert breaks for "poetic" effect)

That glad, happy air, that winsome sky, did at last stroke and caress him;
the step-mother world, so long cruel- forbidding- now threw affectionate
arms round his stubborn neck, and did seem to joyously sob over him, as if
over one, that however wilful and erring, she could yet find it in her
to save and to bless. From beneath his slouched hat Ahab dropped a tear
the sea; nor did all the Pacific contain such wealth as that one wee drop.
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"Lo ve usted, sigo siendo un hombre que depende de una sombra enganosa."
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Received on Tue Jul 1 03:51:36 2003

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