personal notes

From: tina carson <>
Date: Fri Jul 04 2003 - 02:05:31 EDT

Ok, I'm here to bash JDS again.

On the one hand, I'm not able to view it in it's original context, both time
and place. Having said that, Personal notes of an infantryman does not
stand the test of time.
This uses an amateurish trick from my university days called "cheating the
reader". It gives you a rabbit punch as a final line. What's more, he
deliberately disguises the fact when he talks about Mrs. Lawlor sounding "as
though" she had spent most of her life handing out cookies. It would have
been more honest as a statement rather than a supposition. Also, his guess
at the recruits age, very dishonest.
Here we have an ordinary soldier, a sgt, and an unusual recruit. Unusual
because of his age. The Sgt keeps an eye on the recruit through basic
training, presumably out of curiosity. He also hints about an ongoing
relationship with Mrs. Lawlor, is it an affair?
Lawlor's son lost an arm in Pearl Harbor. Is that why he enlists? Revenge?
  It would have been more interesting to know that, and easily done,
requesting the South Pacific theatre, but no.
Then Lawlor goes infantry, and does a bang-up job. The last we know of him,
he's shipping out, as per his desire, for action. Then we get the rabbit
punch. In short, it was loose, unclear, unfair to the reader, and probably
written in patriotic fervor and a desire to get something published.

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