Re: Notes from the river bottom

From: Jim Rovira <>
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 21:14:50 EDT

John --

Joyce was a pig, a drunk, a glutton, an adulterer, and a pervert, but
not a snob. As a God-fearing Irishman he could be anything but that.
And I don't think he was an anti-semite. I don't have any knowledge of
nasty comments about Jews in his letters, anyway. I may have missed

But, you have a point. The Lessing article did nicely point out the
"prejudices of [Woolf's] age..." Heck, even Columbia University had
quotas on the number of Jews they'd admit back then. If we're going to
condemn authors we may as well condemn the entire university system
along with it.


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