Class without a bell for dismissal

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Thu Jul 10 2003 - 00:48:15 EDT

When it come to this sort of darts the board is safe from your pointy
projectiles but woe for the wall. I agreed that he wrote some good stuff
concerning the class of some of his characters but that doesn't make him
classy. Of course I oppose his politics, and I think you have been clear in
opposing mine in the past but that somehow excempts you from the shocking
indicment of closed mindedness (laughing), but how could anyone have an open
minded conversation with some one so dismissive as your venerable Kurt?
Sure he says things I don't agree with on principle but if someone sharing
my opinions expressed them in the same form it would have me shaking my
head. For an introspective sort you seem not to see the man's addled
foolishness, now like I have said in the past I value keeping a hospitable
mind to all ideas but it is not open to the extent that any bloke can hang
his rear on the rim and relieve himself. But would you argue your beef with
the world in his manner? Sure I am crude but if I wanted dialogue to improve
the world in accordance with my ideals I wouldn't go around calling people
assholes so apparently he doesn't expect any kind open minded debate.
Coarseness could be a tool for playfullness but where does one go from
psychopath etc?

I am glad that you respect Will and Buckley but as far as I know they don't
go around calling people psycopaths and assholes. You assume that my basis
for my dilike is his politics but I neither care much for his philosophy
which like his politics saturate his writings and for the most part I am not
a fan of his writing style either but his politics, philosphy nor his style
figure in the whole deal when it comes to class and respect. Hey I am not
one of those masochist readers that take joy in being crapped on. Argued
with, joked with, wrestled with, but not out and out insulted. I suspect
you aren't either so I am quite susprised that you feel so compelled to
defend him. Could it be your shared politics with Mr. Vonnegut blinds your
eyes to his disrespect? You must remember that despite the fact that I hold
his public comments in low regard it has not stopped me from reading his
fiction so how exactly does that make me closed minded again?

Oh, and all this disagreement doesn't revoke my offer of lunch.


Your opposition to him is based on his politics? If so, that's mighty
closed-minded of you. I desperately oppose but deeply respect George
and William F Buckley. If that's the only basis for your dislike of
Vonnegut, then feel free to post my picture on your dartboard.
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