Re: Class without a bell for dismissal

From: Jim Rovira <>
Date: Thu Jul 10 2003 - 22:33:56 EDT

Luke -- Good post. Is Lane an "everyman" of sorts? You really should
read some critical theory. I think you'd find it interesting. Some of
it argues that the Lane types are adopting a generic personality
disseminated by the media and reinforced by the abandonment of last
names for first names -- Bob and Linda and Sue. Maybe we could look at
this as "being cool," which always implies maintaining a calm exterior
regardless of what we're feeling, keeping feelings under control. I
think we do this to the point where we don't feel at all.

I'd agree that this does ultimately lead to a purposeless life empty of
any meaningful encounter with even other people, much less the Divine.
Flat, boring, plastic. Like mannequins. An alternative band called DA
took this in a pretty interesting direction in the 80s -- they took OT
passages describing those who worshipped idols (they have eyes but
cannot see, ears but cannot hear...those who make them will be like
them) and used a mannequin as a modern day equivalent.

Tina -- Yep, that's Bush's problem, while Chirac's is simply a
shortsighted sense of his own innate correctness. He feels, but has
such a high opinion of the inherent value of his own feelings that he
feels he should impose them upon an entire nation...

No wonder you think Vonnegut is classy :).


> Oh, THAT'S what's wrong with George Bush...
> tina

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