Happy Happy Joy Joy

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <daniel.yocum@Peterson.af.mil>
Date: Tue Jul 15 2003 - 16:10:25 EDT

Feel free to use my name. I'd be delighted to be the monster produced by
"the sleep of reason" (see Goya, or Geraldine Chaplin in *Welcome to LA*).
John O.
"sleep of reason", said straight faced from Derrida's man.

And you might want to learn more about "the transvestite movie star" before
you call her frightening -- although she was not, to use your word,
"omnipresent," she really was sweet and gentle and funny and she really did
make oddly delightful movies.
John O.
Luke, you have been given your very own word from on high, high nice of John
don't ya think.
All the best,
--John (who is trying very hard not to make a joke about "revelations")

PS: One potential problem in your story... I'd have to play dual roles,
since, if there is any of that stuff you genuflect to with an upper-case "T"
as "Truth," I'm afraid I'm it, too.

Imagine, John is concerned with a measly little vertical line topped with a
horizontal one, and he places himself right in the middle of it with the
might of his politics, power, and desire. How compelling. So, Luke your
Omlor does have its "silver bullet". He is Truth, how sad for those of us
who are not an Omlor. He has all his own might, under the right lighting he
might be able to scare university students. There is no "have to" about it,
he is dual roles, he must have a part to play for his other half when his
reason sleeps. Again, ever before the Law, he sets up court on the
threshold and tries to collect tolls. John, the bridge is down by the

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