arguing with the tide

From: Scottie Bowman <>
Date: Wed Jul 16 2003 - 08:54:13 EDT

    When will people realise the futility of disputing matters
    with John? It's becoming exhausting to watch them try.
    It's also a very great waste of time since: 1) John has read
    more than anyone else, 2) has read it with greater care &
    respect, 3) has understood it more profoundly & 4),
    being on terms of close personal friendship with the writers,
    has an unassailable access to their intentions.

    This, understandably, lends him a certitude that recalls nothing
    so much as that of the Emperor Napoleon in Ward IV who
    listens, smilingly impervious, to the earnest attempts of the newly
    arrived psychiatric interns as they try to persuade him he might
    be mistaken.

    Scottie B.

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