
From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Wed Jul 16 2003 - 10:49:33 EDT

Thanks John. Here I was playing Beowulf to your Grendel, and who would have
guessed that the Omlor is domesticated. I thought you were a pit viper and
all along you have been a garden variety constrictor. Oh well, I am sure
Derrida alone is enough to keep this fire from burning out. I still say
that your appeal to politics, power and desire despite your caveat of
complexity warrants an alert eye. And all this talk of multi-mindedness is
still suspicious since your posts seem to display just as much single
mindedness as mine, especially concerning the Honor of one French
Continental. You say

"You ask me why I "demand" order, coherence, structure, meaning and clarity
from my "detractors." Because without them I am unable to respond in any
significant or careful way, since without at least some degree of order,
coherence, structure, meaning and clarity their work is rendered simply

This has been the complaint of many on this list concerning said French
man's writings themselves. It may take religious devotion to sort Jacques's
thoughts out, but without some sort of up front promise, who would invest
the time you demand? Then you say, then don't comment. But contrary to
your slams that no one reads the texts, I have, several of them and even a
book about him by some one else. I have read quite a bit of stuff on the
web and I have sat on the floor in bookstores and read a couple of his
entire books. I even read some of the sources he references all to no
avail, in your words I could say, 'maybe its me' but I am not the only one
saying this. I remember Scottie dying on the slopes. It seems that the
careful reading you demand is quite indistinguishable from religious ardor.
I am not saying this as some sort of personal slam, but gain Scottie's
elephant goes here. If you have some sort of insight into Jacques then
mount the rostrum and enlighten us.

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