Re: Restored (and a final story for Luke and Daniel)

From: James Rovira <>
Date: Thu Jul 17 2003 - 11:07:14 EDT

Daniel --

What you're attempting to do is demonstrate how John's responses are
self defeating in that they simultaneously assert and deny authority.

> (Incidentally, no one sued D'Souza because no one in the field took
> the book seriously. It was quickly seen to be a simple-minded piece
> of cable-news political grandstanding.)
> John O.
> Is that canonical with a capital C? I never know, what with
> your rhetoric's of power and such. So, who canonizes text in your
> profession? Is there a ceremony that the unannointed may watch? So,
> all these posts are about your intellectual truth versus Luke's? If
> it is yours and not his and t is lower case why do you brow beat him?
> Or is your truth just about being a critic and everything is subject
> to criticism and that criticism can be based on any method or lack
> there of which is also subject to criticism ad nausea. So, should we
> capitalize Scholar and maybe Serious? Again, I never know what the
> proper structure is around here.
> Take heart Luke, that 'almost' is all that separates you from the
> society of Serious Scholars and modern academic hell. You better
> treat John O. and Jacques with more respect or that guardrail of
> almost will be withdrawn. In this rhetoric Luke, apparently
> propaganda is only appreciated if it is complex. For shame, you
> brought cocktail party chatter (knife) to a Serious Scholarly (gun)
> fight. Next thing, John will be calling you an intellectual greaser.
> Daniel

This is a self defeating strategy on your end, because you're
criticizing John for working with your own presuppositions. What needs
to happen is some kind of defense of D'Souza's work, if you really
believe in Truth with a capital t.. John asserts that the events
described did not happen as DS described them. Luke asserts that DS's
account is correct. John asserts that his knowledge is based upon
direct experience with the persons described in DS's book.

Upon what are Luke's claims of the authenticity of DS's work based?

John, by the way, isn't the first person I've heard to level this kind
of criticism against D'Souza.


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