The Gospels

From: tina carson <>
Date: Sun Jul 27 2003 - 23:25:12 EDT

Hello Everyone,

I spent the last two days redecorating. I was inspired by House Invaders on
BBC, and just went through my house in a hurry. This left a lot of time for
thinking during the manual labor.

So, I though I owe you an explanation. First, let me say that I have been
speaking from an EXTREME prejudice I have regarding Christian mythology and
the politics that formed it. I began research over a decade ago out of
anger towards Christianity and now continue out of curiosity.

My problem with John is that he sees Jesus as God, not a man, whereas the
synoptics are at least an attempt at relaying a story, laying out the facts.
  I have far more confidence in some of the Nag Hammadi scrolls than in the
4 canonical gospels.

I suggest a very interesting book called The Jesus Mysteries, the author
escapes me at the moment. Although it doesn't;'t address problems with John
specifically, it does explain where many of the mythos come from, and makes
an excellent case for Jesus being a Gnostic, the fish symbol being a prime

I realized that we were bogging ourselves down in unbelievably long
reply-replies, and thought I'd start out fresh. So, if anyone would care to
start at me, I'd be glad to address point-by-point instead of taking on the
entire new testament in a single email.

Again, my apologies for my knee-jerk replies based on my own prejudices.

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