Re: The Gospels

From: Scottie Bowman <>
Date: Mon Jul 28 2003 - 14:09:50 EDT

    '... every belief or position can be defined in terms
    of a political alliance of some sort ...'

    It's my impression most people on the list would
    subscribe - if only tacitly - to this view.

    Yet I'm genuinely bewildered what is meant.
    I presume this only highlights my naiveté in regarding
    myself as 'apolitical'.

    I take it 'politicisation' is a much more pervasive process
    than I'd guessed. How will I recognise it? Someone like me
    who, consciously as least, finds it impossible to offer happy
    allegiance to any system of belief, be it Christianity, Psychoanalysis
    or even the tenets of the Flat Earth Society.

    The best I can offer is a kind of maudlin affection for
    my family & such friends as can still bear my presence.

    Scottie B.

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