Re: BANANAFISH digest 25

K. L. Leunissen (
Tue, 01 Jul 1997 09:08:27 +0200

Hi Susan,

Responding to your comment on the movie: The Devil's Own, I can imagine it
got bad reviews over in Ireland. I saw it in Holland, (I'm actually
Scottish, but have lived here for most of my life), and although the film
was okay, the fact that it was so pro IRA didn't sit well with me at all
throughout the whole film. Just take a look at the casting: the cold-blooded
Englishman that tracks Brad Pitt down in order to murder him, that fact was
leaned on very heavily: the cold-bloodedness of the English, while all the
killing IRA man Brad Pitt does is condoned because his father was killed by
British soldiers when he was young. But condoning thinking like that would
cause the whole world population to die within a month: if somebody harms
you or your friends/family: kill them.

I don't really want to go into the whole IRA issue, as complex as it is. But
the fact remains that the film makers of The Devil's Own were very
sympathetic towards the IRA, and they tried to manipulate the people
watching the film with their views. For that reason, I couldn't enjoy it.

As for women not being able to appreciate Holden's feelings in TCITR, I
think enough has been said about it being total nonsense and the example
about Anne Frank's diary said it all really. Just wanted to mention it, as
it really annoyed me.
