An Acting Question.

Josh Feldmeth (
Mon, 07 Jul 1997 09:19:32 -0700

Good morning:

My computer is at work so I don't read the list over the weekend.  
Unfortunately, after reading the holiday weekend installments, I am 
pretty sad:  some much time on so little.  One exception, its good to 
hear from Sonny again.  Finally, for me, the occasional "highbrow" 
threads and seaming pedantary of this list has been a constant 
challenge to me and my approaches to literature (more than just JDS) and 
I am indebted to the real players here (you know who you are).  Keep the 

I saw a terrible performance of a great Tennessee Williams play this 
weekend (Sweet Bird of Youth).  Does anyone know of a legit JDS 
adaptation for the stage or Big Screen. I kinda doubt it.

Insurreptitiously redirecting,
