josh and tim - religion & jds characters

Elizabeth J Respess (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 01:11:49 -0400 (EDT)

franny spent quite a bit of time and energy having a breakdown caused by
her search for truth and sincerity in prayer - and on seemingly finding
something to focus that search on (at least momentarily) in christianity
(while zooey urged her to differentiate between christ and other people
in the bible).  i don't know if i would consider this so much a
testimonial on her part than as a step on her path, but it still seemed
significant.  in down at the dinghy, boo-boo managed to get an
explanation of their child being upset at the derogatory name called of
his father (which went completely over his head - racially speaking).  he
may have been picked at because of his jewish heritage culturally more
than religiously, but the difference betweeen the two seemed irrelevant
as he only recognized the cruelty, even though he misunderstood it's
religious nature and translated it to the possibility of losing his
father.  i dunno - just thoughts.

as for books into movies - wharton's A Midnight Clear was excellent in my
opinion, and i think i'll watch Birdy tomorrow and see how it goes. any
warnings against it?  will it ruin the book for me?  good night all. 