Tim's story!

Sonny (holden@thepentagon.com)
Fri, 18 Jul 1997 18:22:57 +0500

Tim, hi! 

Precisely my thoughts on this about APDFBF and the Seymour/JDS of that story.
I had been meaning to do a post on the lines of the following; but didn't
ofcourse have anything even remotely close to the preceding story. (I
almost said, "koan" -- that's what reading bf does to one!)

>>I don't mean to discredit anything that has been said before on this
>>topic, but just as in Zen the point is -- boom -- the cold slap of
>>experience, sometimes in stories or in life, things don't happen for 
>>literary reasons.  They simply happen, like the sound of one hand 
>>clapping, and you can take it or leave it.

Sundeep Dougal (Sonny, to friends), Holden Caulfield, New Delhi, INDIA