Re: I luv Holden

Camille Scaysbrook (
Sat, 04 Jul 1998 18:28:01 +1000

> i think that "[questioning] the veracity of everything" is taking a text 
> too literal. if you do that, you're not paying attention to the 
> characters... sure, it's possible that nothing is true in the entire 
> book, everything is a complete illusion of a teenager in therapy.

Moreover, we have to remember (as it is sometimes difficult to do as we
discuss his life in minute detail) that Holden is a fictional character,
and what we are ultimately reading is an illusion itself - a
thirtysomething man speaking in the voice of a teenage boy. This is another
reason why we should learn not to take things so literally. Confusingly
enough, life is literal but literature isn't necessarily. (:
