Re: Two Birds, One Stone

TheSecretGoldfish (
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 13:20:26 -0700 (PDT)

---Matt Kozusko <> wrote:
> TheSecretGoldfish wrote:
> > this brings up something else. the medias which
> > criticism makes use of. if the critic is equal to
> > artist, wouldn't criticism of say, a painting, be
> > more valid if the critic painted his criticism of
> Is Cubism not a painted critique of Realism?  Or of
> "Fine and well," you will say, "but Cubist painters
aren't critics;
> they're painters."  
> Yes, by Saint Patrick but they are critics, and
good ones, too.  
> -- 
> Matt Kozusko

winnie the pooh likes hunny.
slyvia plath lent her copy of catcher to a young girl
she knew but the girl said something like "it was
boring" or some demeaning remark about that main
character and you could tell by the way ms. plath
wrote about the incident that she (like so many of
us) instantly condemned the girl for not recognizing
salinger's "drawing no. 1" as a boa constrictor
digesting an elephant but saying "why should i be
frightened of a hat?" 

and much better critics of realism too, that the
silly little man named 31 who wrote half an essay on
the subject explaining why realism is called realism
and not 31ism.

but what about merce cunningham critics?

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