The Good Old Days

Mattis Fishman (
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 17:16:59 -0400 (EDT)


    It is nice to hear from Sonny once again after his relatively
    long absence. Welcom back. Still I wish I didn't get the feeling
    that he may be succumbing to nostalgia. While I miss Brian F.,
    Matts K. and S., helena, and to add one you may have forgotten, Hotspur.
    (why sometimes I even miss old Brendan) I think we may be starting
    to get old-timers disease (and no, I wasn't at the first Woodstock
    festival). Besides, I think it is being less than fair to the very
    capable current crop of bananafish.

    As for Salinger's works losing their discussability, I beg to suggest
    that perhaps all too few of us are reading or rereading them. I have a
    feeling that simply turning a few pages could bring many topics for
    discussion to the foreground, but in the haze of our aging memories
    we tend to simply generalize the stories into the recollection that
    the Fat Lady might have been pregnant, and Seymour wore his red
    hunting cap slightly down over both ears. If we would like to
    discuss Salinger's works, it might help to keep them fresh.

    all the best,