Re: JD Who?

Sundeep Dougal (
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 00:36:23 +0530

Yeah, but I think you miss the point to Scottie's post -- he in his
genial endearing way is including his 'senile flatulence' under what he
is characterising as 'rubbish'.

Besides, y'know, as Tim would be constrained to point out at some point,
all of us splendid souls haven't really been invited over for drinks.
Digressions -- and all those Holden quotes to that effect -- are fine,
but the list does have a charter, and Scottie's point -- nah, not the
one about rubbish and so on -- is quite something to reflect on.

I think what we have here are those who really see no need to comment
further on JDS, and the Salinger Industry types, who may have something
further to say (whether that would be anything new or interesting or
revelatory is a different debate) are either vacationing or busy writing

Personally, I am still on this list only to delight in such gems as yet
another old sod, viz. Scottie, might come up with every now and then. He
is quite tolerant of whatever the fuck people may want to discuss too,
from all evidence, as long as capitals are employed and at least some,
if not sufficient, consideration to grammar, spellings, punctuation etc.
be given. Oh, certainly, there are other people too, whose posts are a
pleasure to come across, but a whole lot of the enthusiastic bunch are
missing -- I miss Matt, Brian Fenton, Helena, Luke, Malcolm, and many
more who always had something interesting to say...

I would like to reassure Scottie, however, that should a _new_ Salinger
piece of writing were to suddenly be released, we'd find a lotta passion
and enthusiasm yet again, even if it is to just regurgitate the
bemoaning over how it all still doesn't add up to -----(name your
existing favourite JDS work here)...

But, otherwise, to witness enthusiasm for JDS, one does have to look to
the posts of newbies who arrive free with their effusions about what
they felt when they discovered this list, or indeed, JDS' writing
