K. SUD and Proselytizing

Subject: K. SUD and Proselytizing
From: Paul Miller (phm@midsouth.rr.com)
Date: Fri Jun 30 2000 - 17:56:54 GMT

Josh wrote:
, but K. does a better job
preparing you for his truth than anyone else can. He does dash you to
pieces intellectually in the opening paragraph of SUD as he dashes you
to pieces spiritually in the beginning of PIC -- this is the beginning
of his preparation. How many times did I come back to read those
opening lines of SUD as I learned more and more from K. as I continued
forward. ----------------------------------------------------

I liked SUD and thought K. was brilliant in parts. Towards the end he falls
to just proselytizing a specific religion, christianity, of course and this
detracts from his work. At the end of FAT when a student hears that his
master said you cannot step into the same river twice and trying to
emphasize what he said without understanding it he said you cannot even do
it once, I thought was hilarious.


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