return to the pond

Subject: return to the pond
Date: Thu Jun 29 2000 - 12:05:25 GMT

In a complete coincidence, I happened to return to the pond yesterday. I was
about to say this weekend, because since I am on vacation, every day is a
weekend for me. Anyway, it was a very tame visit. There were no coked-up
animal enthusiasts to threaten us this time, though we did see a couple ducks
fight. Maybe they were mating, I wasn't sure. Also, not a lot of people were
out in boats today, so there weren't any collisions. My friends and I had to
settle for being loud and obnoxious. We were just sort of pushing each other
a little bit when this hotdog told us that the cops were coming, so we left
even though it would have been fun to be arrested. Afterwards, we ate at this
place called Big Nicks which has great burgers, but is the single most dirty
place in the world. Once you get over the flies on your food, it's delicious.
And they also have a lot of signed photos of midgets for some reason.

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