RE: RE: a rare condition

Subject: RE: RE: a rare condition
From: zazie (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 07:30:10 GMT

Eeeeh, come again?
if you are asking what we think you mean by '... I'm much too sensitive to
fit in with his crowd ...', I go for an added option f) "People who think
they are sensitive, look down upon people they regard as insensitive"
and c) "Everyone thinks they are too sensitive, even the insensitive ones.
". This is about you, Sean.

As for Scottie (aside from the fact that i cannot fathom how anyone or any
language can abbreviate an 'R' into 'Scottie', not even while using the
most extreme form of Cockney rhyming slang! :), I think he means: e) The
author has no respect for so-called 'sensitive' people.

      Please don't visit my crappy homepage

--------------------Origineel bericht--------------------

It's another round of every bananafisher's favorite game, What Did He
Mean By That?

Was it,
a) Insensitivity is actually good for mental health.
b) Insensitive people often don't realize that they are insensitive.
c) Everyone thinks they are too sensitive, even the insensitive ones.
d) Insensitive people have no respect for health care officials.
e) The author has no respect for so-called 'sensitive' people.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scottie Bowman []
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 3:16 PM
Subject: a rare condition

    '... I'm much too sensitive to fit in with his crowd ...'

    There may come a day when someone walks into
    my consulting room & says:
        'Doctor, you know my problem? I suspect I may
        be not quite sensitive enough.'

    But that day hasn't dawned yet.

    Scottie B.


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