"Isn't it pretty to think so?"

Subject: "Isn't it pretty to think so?"
Date: Thu Jun 20 2002 - 04:11:18 EDT

<<While those may be clever and surprising, keeping you on the edge of your
seat, to my estimation neither hits one as hard, is as gut-wrenching or as
unpretty (while also being painfully beautiful), as the last lines of The
Sun Also Rises. Those words pack a whole different kind of punch.>>

The knowing and unconsionable manner in which Jake aids Lady Brett in her
dismantling of Romero, is terribly sad and poignant. Already physically
emasulated, Jake continues his spiritual castration by betraying the very
ideals in which he believes, all in pursuit of a senselessly perverse
relationship with Brett. This is a beautifully telling novel.

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