Re: Sun Also Rises and "Six."

Subject: Re: Sun Also Rises and "Six."
From: Scottie Bowman (
Date: Tue Jun 18 2002 - 13:50:51 EDT

     '... The Sun Also Rises is supposed to be
    pretty, and that's about it ... etc., etc.'

    I was on the point of borrowing the words
    of one of Ernie's less friendly characters &
    advising Patrick to 'remove the wax from
    thine hairy ears...'

    ... when I realised he was sending us up.

    Jolly good, Pat. It IS quite difficult to catch
    that wonderful mixture of preening triteness
    & uneducated but self-assured banality that
    characterises the utterances of the current
    generation of under-30s.

    But you've caught it perfectly.

    Scottie B.

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