Re: Hapworth Stunning Slab Of Words

From: Sundeep Dougal <>
Date: Fri Jun 13 2003 - 13:06:05 EDT

> "You will recall, quite with my undying, humorous sympathy, that at least
three of your children, in sheer independence of each other, and utterly
untaught, have picked up the delicate custom of spinning the body around
with alarming speed, after which regrettably ostentatious experience the
person who does the whirling can often, though not always, by any means,
arrive at a decision or an impressive answer to a problem, usually quite
> Should there be a different word for "which"...? or should it read "with
alarming speed which, after each regrettably ostentatious experience the
person who does the whirling can often"...? Or am I just not understanding
a word...?


The original sentence reads fine -- he is merely referring to the "delicate
custom of spinning the body around with alarming speed" as a "regrettably
ostentatious experience".

Thought would step in before Scottie feels constrained to repeat an earlier
mail almost in its entirety.


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