RE: 3 things as the sun finally appears...

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Mon Jun 23 2003 - 17:52:33 EDT

1.) Daniel, you know of course that there is no "ultimate deconstruction of
logocentrism." In fact, the phrase begins with an oxymoron. And any
desire for such a ridiculous thing would have nothing to do with anything
written by that other J.D. But I am enjoying a happy and carefree life at
the moment and have no desire whatsoever to spend time discussing such
stuff. I am scheduled, however, to give a small talk at my own university
introducing the film made last year about Derrida. When I prep that, I'd be
happy to send you a post or two with thoughts that come to mind. My most
recent on-campus guest lecture, just last week, was on Jack the Ripper and
Victorian culture for a Criminology seminar on serial killers, so I've been
in something of a different mode lately.
John O.
Yes, deconstruction is about the play and deferment, thanks, but I remain in
my seat stomping my feet, unruly, what no cuffing to the back of my head?

2.) I kept being nagged by the words of an old "pig in literature"
reference that I recalled but which I could not pinpoint. Then, just this
week, I remembered. From the "social prayer for vengeance" that Ferdinand
Bardamu recites to Arthur at the beginning of *Journey...*:

"A God who counts the minutes and the pence, a desperate God, sensual and
grunting like a pig. A pig with wings of gold which tumbles through the
world, with exposed belly waiting for caresses, lo, 'tis he, behold out
master! Embrace, embrace!"
John O.
What is this? Journey?

3.) I'm sure this has been discussed on the list previously, but are we all
agreed that *Chasing Holden* is a terrible movie? I noticed it was on cable
this afternoon and watched a few minutes of it again and was reminded how
cheesy it was.
John O.
It was this movie as bad as it is that prompted me to read Salinger and then
join this list, I thought that the movie stank but I remembered some of the
cinematic references to Salinger from other movies, yet, John O., another
reason to dislike the movie.

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