RE: kafka and rilke, got milke?

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Mon Jun 30 2003 - 15:49:01 EDT

How poetic, what is not a poem? I am often getting into verbal/written
fights with contractors; spectacular events that are often burnt in the
heart, sometimes loud or silent, seen or heard, rarely sung but often spoken
but hardly can they be called poems. Many of the posts fall under that
definition. But as far as I know, a poem is when an author writes poetry, a
song is when an author writes songs, and prose are when an author writes
prose. If the author is dead we can guess by comparing what was written
with what has been written and the known characteristics of poetry (however
subjective they may be) but with Waits, just ask him. If he won't answer
well then, so what. What is art? not good art or great art but art. Some
people like to blur the boundaries but if a poem is what is dreamt or burnt
in the heart then it becomes a weak word and it seems that some have a
penchant for diluting language into a pan everythingism thus in the long run
killing the thing that one is trying to express themselves with. Metaphor
and analogy and using unlikes to show likeness live in distinction but now
days it is all thrown in the pot for gruel. More gruel is that what you
want? More gruel? Some see life as gruel and they cast everything in that
role, I guess if you can homogenize the mass it makes it easier to rise
above it, like the midget who goes around kicking in knees so he can be head
and shoulders above. I never thought ol' Jacques as a knee kicker before, a
knee slapper but not a knee kicker, till now.

John O., I know you have publicly disdained the spotlight concerning Derrida
but if he suffuses your 'Poetry', nay your very posts then how can we not
point at what is behind the curtain? If it is in the nature of the rattler
to wiggle his tail to warn a would be step, it is in my nature to raise my
heel (or shovel) to strike the fangs from the body. Coil or flee because
"Don't tread on me" has never stayed my heel.

They snake shakes his tail and says never mind after an attempt at a double
toothed kiss.

Kim, I am glad you are enjoying the thread.


i'm flattered to think my little post has caused the
creation of a state university!

i'm enjoying the thread.

and, so far, this is what i'm most grateful for:

> the poem is that which
> happens, it is the event, loud
> or silent, seen or heard, sung or spoken, dreamt or
> burnt in the heart.

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