Re: The Bottlerocket in the Rye

Robert Morris (
Mon, 29 Jun 1998 20:34:36 -0400

 I think you may have stumbled upon a very dangerous subject here. Bottle
Rocket happens to be my favorite movie ever. Just last night a friend of
mine and I made complete fools of ourselves in a coffee shop ( one of those
snooty Cambridge ones, for those of you concerned with that sort of thing
out there) discussing the true intricacies of the characters of Anthony and
Dignan. You may be on to something here, but I thought that Bottle Rocket
was such an incredibly original thing that any similarities are
coincidental. Caw-Caw
              Robert Morris
> has anyone seen the movie _Bottlerocket_?  if so, did you see any jds
> overtones?  like: the protagonist just getting out of a mental
> his precocious and loveable little sister (who is the only family member
> audience sees), the constant remarks against cynicism, and (really
> it) the fact that they drink tom collinses?
> just having fun at the movies--matt