Re: Hello to every body!

jordie chambers (
Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:38:28 -0700 (PDT)

Daniele, I thought about you as I was making canneloni -
ricota, parmesan and sauce . . . mmmmmmmamabella!  I've
been eating better food lately.  In university I cooked
myself KD and toast for lunch and dinner, Captain Crisp
for breakfast, for four years, and liked it.  I was
obsessed with cheap and convenient foods, soon, I was
wearing a buccaneers cap and talking like that peruking
boob.  I'm older now and I've been considering food to be
more of something to enjoy and digest rather than shovel
and digest.  This canneloni is freaking delicious.  My
advice for you would be to jump onto any message like a
banana split boat and say whatever you want to, no one's
going to reprimand you for saying something tasty! 
Personally, I subscribed to gather recipes for food. 
Catcher in the Rye didn't have any recipes, I was looking
to make some bread, but it was a good book anyway.  Say

---daniele <> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm an italian boy in love with Holden and all
J.D.Salinger books. Looking
> through the web I met your list. I found it very
interesting and so decided
> to subscrive it. Now I have some difficulties in
following the all topics
> (sorry but I'm a beginner...). So could anybody give me
an hand? 
> Thank you for your attention, 
> daniele
> d a n i e l e

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