RE: The Worst

Sean Draine (
Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:16:26 -0700

Jordie rants about A Boy in France:
"The letter from the parent is such an obvious emotional tactic
that it turned me off completely, I didn't trust the author. 
It's like a politician screaming about the children of the
loggers in hopes of saving the forest industry and showing
pictures of them crying, hijinx, weapons and plastic
flowers.  Makes me bitter and cold and inspires me to
write something real."

Real??? I suppose your idea of real is _Reservoir Dogs_. 

A Boy in France was simply a slice of life of a soldier in France during
WWII. I suspect that such soldiers often did, in fact, get letters from
home, and said letters did have emotional impact on their recipients given
the dangerous, messy circumstances. Hard to believe, I know. In any case, I
didn't feel emotionally manipulated reading it.

While we're on the topic of emotional tactics, I am so bored with this "look
at me I'm real because I'm a bitter and cold cynic and you can't pull the
wool over my eyes" posturing that has become so popular these days. This has
been done ad nauseum. This is the fucking mantra of the 1990's! Nevermind
real, how about writing something original?
