sorry, not Lector - LectER

Scottie Bowman (
Sat, 05 Jun 1999 23:23:10 +0100

    Yes, Tim, you're quite right.  This is really no place 
    for a chap like me.  A couple of weeks' holiday from 
    listservs forced me to face the truth that - for some 
    of us at any rate - they're all too seductive a way 
    of simply postponing proper work.  

    As well as that, like all addictive personalities I need 
    stronger & stronger doses of the drug as the boredom 
    threshold drops steadily lower.  It goes on until one morning 
    you catch sight of your face in the mirror at the back 
    of the bar - or until Officer O'Connor waves you over 
    to the kerb & asks you to step out of the vehicle.

    Time, I think, to pack the bags for that trip to the detox 
    centre.  There are too many fragile sensitivities around 
    here at evident risk from the careless staggerings of 
    an old drunk. 

    Scottie B.