Re: Story title
Sun, 06 Jun 1999 03:48:19 -0400 (EDT)

As to the story title "Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes," the original title I 
believe was, "Hey, This Story Sucks!"  Later of course the words pretty, 
mouth, and, green, my, and eyes were added for flavor and for copyright 
reasons.  The working title, as we all know, was "I'm Salinger, So Kiss My 
Ass, Moron."  You can of course see the evolution of the title as it kept the 
word "My" making it quite obvious that it is the same story.  My favorite 
part of the story was "the end" although I would have gone with "fin" to give 
it a taste of worldliness.  But what do I know, I'm not the literary genius.  
I am a pervert, however...but not a genius.

 - Adam

In response to:

Does anybody know where JDS got the title for the story 'Pretty Mouth
and Green my eyes'?  It sounds like it's a quote from a poem or
something like that.

P.J.Harvey uses the same line in her song 'Angelene' on her album 'Is
This Desire'.  It might be a quote of JDS or the original source JDS
used, assuming it is a quote.

Any ideas/info?
Colin Pink