Re: religion and presidency

Subject: Re: religion and presidency
From: Benjamin Samuels (
Date: Fri Jan 01 1988 - 00:25:47 EST

> What's idealistic and naive is the belief that the best interests of
> corporate America are in diametric opposition to the best interests of the
> American people.
> Jim

I disagree. In theory you might argue that after all these corportions are
serving the people but in fact they are serving their owners who are a more
and more centralized group of wealthy individuals. So, their interests, and
therefore much of the action of the U.S. Gov't is directed towards keeping
those people rich and in power- for the better or worse of the common good.
What would change this? Dramatic Campaign finance reform would help. But
real change will only come when there are people taking office who are truly
commited to the well being of everyone, even the plants animals and natural
resources, and not, as seems to be true of almost all politicians, to their
own desires for money and power and the corporate structures that are
delivering those desires. The campaign finance reform is needed to allow
these Neo-Humanistic politicians into the system. I want to believe that
many of the politicians in place now struggle with immorality of the system
they themselves are entrencehed in and will open this door to future change
willingly. Otherwise their are a growing number of people unsatisfied with
the current system that would force a change if neccesary.


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