Inverted Forest

Subject: Inverted Forest
Date: Sun Mar 12 2000 - 11:31:41 EST


I just finished reading Inverted Forest for the first time and am still trying to figure it all out. One part that’s left a bit open is what’s going on for Raymond in his whole relationship with Mary or Bunny. Who does he think she is? And what’s her motive? My first impressions of the story are all about Corrine- it’s her story after all, she’s the narrator (right?). In that way it can be, like the Glass stories, subtitled "encounters with a Poet". And here too Salinger gives us some interesting glimpses of that strange and twisted phenomena the Poet.

I’m curious what the rest of you think about Bunny though. Maybe especially those that may have just come across it with me for the first time recently by way of Iceland. Maybe this is more likely if those of us like myself with the privilege of posting several times a day let this sit for a day or two so it’s not all figured out by the time you read it. Just an idea. So, no hurry on the answers, though my curiosity is burning.


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