Let's make peace

Subject: Let's make peace
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 22:02:08 EST

Louise --

I know I've been my share of the jackass with you, and I feel I need to
really apologize for that. It's one thing to have differences, but another
to allow those differences to overshadow proven character and depth of
insight. You're a wonderful individual and your finest qualities all shine
through your every sentence...

What brought this on was, incidentally, the recent reminder of Camille.
While I do miss her, Louise, you're a wonderful replacement. Camille was
such a pedantic, boring, self-righteous little brat it's nice to have a
thoughtful, mature woman posting to the list.

Please try not to take offense for Camille's sake. I know this is going to
sound like a bit of a shock, Louise, but you see I've been in love with
Camille for quite some time. She's everything I've always admired in a woman
and a partner, and she's so absolutely, so strikingly, beautiful. I've just
not been able to reconcile my feelings with the fact that I'll never get to
meet her, much less consummate my feelings for her, so they turn to
bitterness all too often -- a bitterness that does, I'm afraid, pour out in
my more vindicative sounding posts.

I wanted to send this little personal message directly to you just so that
you'd know where I was coming from, and to try to forgive this terribly
love-struck man who doesn't quite know what to do with himself...anyway, I
won't be reading my mail again at least till the morning, so don't feel you
have to respond right away.

And let's keep this between us, ok? I'm a bit embarrassed. I'm a grown man
and feel like a fourteen year old whenever someone even mentions Camille...

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