Re: Back from the dead, or the living

Subject: Re: Back from the dead, or the living
From: Scottie Bowman (
Date: Sun Mar 19 2000 - 03:07:05 EST

    Someone who played what might be called (& by no means
    extravagantly) a crucial not to say climacteric role in
    the desperate though so often gallantly even sunnily presented
    lives of so many of us, from the achingly miniature old lady
    selling muffins at the corner of our optimistically Frenchified
    boulevard in downtown Ballyjamesduff to the most recent,
    vociferous & less than half-heartedly welcomed addition to
    the family of our philoprogenitive (but from reasons of piety
    rather than carnal pleasure) gardener Pat Maguire, used to say,
    smirking as he did so down that admittedly uncharismatic nose
    of his, the one he drolly invited his disciples to term his questing
    snout: 'Never lend books'. My cousin Prollicks or Bollicks
    as he was known to his more dismissively affectionate intimates
    & whose identity my raptor-eyed readers will have already guessed
    - for he it is, indeed - had developed the pronouncement of
    these breath-depriving dicta to a poetic form that was not so much
    derived from but rather distilled & purified into what on
    an effusive day you might say was a damned nearly celestial
    version of the Persian four syllable kuku. 'Never lend books'
    was one of Prollick's earliest, uttered - to the less than dumbfounded
    surprise of Betsie his fourteen year old but already - & here
    it is the only word - soignee mother - with the limpid,
    somewhat effete enunciation of a Magdelen College don
    of twenty months. Thus Bollicks: 'Never lend books';
    adding with the understandable but still, in an infant not yet two,
    slightly regrettable imperiousness: ' Buy & give but never lend' ....

    Scottie B.

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