Re: Back from the dead, or the living

Subject: Re: Back from the dead, or the living
From: CM Fisher (
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 11:45:05 EST

> i'm actually starting to get a bit sick of reading about salinger's life.
> i've read hamilton's biography and am in the process of reading
>alexander's biography, but i don't really find them interesting. i mean, i
>can see the obvious parallels between his work and his life, but i don't
>like seeing them. i like to look at the work all by itself, not thinking
>about what influenced salinger to write it, not thinking about salinger at
>all. i know, i know. how can i call myself a bananafisher?

em, i'd say you're the truest type of bananafisher. though personally alas
i can't get enough re old jd's life. he'd hate me but love you, you see.
you're his ideal reader.

>also, have any of you ever experienced a certain jealous feeling towards
>salinger's books? you know, you lend someone your copy of a salinger book
>and then all you can think about is wanting to read that particular book.
>and every time you see them with it, you say to yourself "why, why did i
>lend them that book?!?!"
>love, em

'a certain jealous feeling': what an understatement! yes, i'm guilty! in
fact, re all the books i *really* care about!

my simple solution: we have separate his and her bookcases. and of course
the communal ones.

as scottie says, buy and give,but never lend. i *never* lend. though when
giving i tend to horribly florid inscriptions that one day i know i'll
encounter in used bookstores.

ah, another 'love'.


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