still more

Subject: still more
From: Scottie Bowman (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 02:26:36 EST

    Never appologize, Gabe, or even apologise. As you can
    see, we're all friendly joshing buddies here - though some
    of the lousers at the back of the hall aren't quite as nice
    as they'd like to make out.

    My original post was a heartfelt token of support for
    your girlfriend who sounded to me as if she were a member
    of the same Seymour-sceptical minority to which I belong.
    In these parts you, after all, are surrounded by like-minded
    connoisseurs - whereas I could understand it if she felt a bit
    isolated having expressed sentiments similar to my own
    about all that word wanking.

    It seems a bit rude, incidentally, talking about her as if she
    were some anonymous dummy when the evidence rather
    points to a clear headed, delightfully forthright girl who
    can surely speak for herself. What *is* her name? Would you
    allow her to contribute her own views to the list directly?
    I should very much like to establish contact & compare notes.
    A powerful bond of sympathy seems already to be growing
    between us.

    Scottie B.

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