Re: early days

Subject: Re: early days
From: Tim O'Connor (
Date: Sun Mar 26 2000 - 12:15:02 EST

At 5:55 PM +0100 on 3/26/2000, you wrote:

> (And where did I get the delusion that extracts from The Catcher
> itself appeared in some form or other in LIFE magazine?)

A variation of it ("Slight Rebellion off Madison," in third-person)
was published in The New Yorker. It was purchased by the magazine
before the war, but not run until after the war.

It appears in a new anthology of New Yorker stories that take place
in New York; I'm sorry that I don't have the title at hand, but it
was mentioned here a few weeks ago. When I put the March archives up
in a few days, they'll be searchable, and the old message should
appear in there. It's of the same batch of books as "Life Stories"
(a collection of profiles) and "About Town" (another history of The
New Yorker).

I used "Slight Rebellion" in a writing class I once taught. I had
the students read it side-by-side with the same passage (at the
skating rink with Sally Hayes) that is in first-person in the novel.
It shows dramatically what a little change in voice can do for a

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