the right age

Subject: the right age
From: kate amann (
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 21:29:32 EST

> The reason my ages are seem so late is that I, unlike most people in
>this pond, feel that there needs to be a certain amount of tension
>(Weltschmertz) that builds up before you get the release of JDS. You
>have to be sure someone is asking the question and has been searching for
>it for some time before you give them the answer. This business about 14
>year olds getting what Zooey is talking about is non-sense. How can you
>have a Franny crisis in anything but college. And even if you have it
>before that you're just starting the crisis. Real Section Men/Women don't
>rear their ugly vanilla faces until college (and most of them are standing
>in the front of the class).
> If you give a man water after his first day in the desert he doesn't
>know anything about thirst.
>- -j

i see what you're saying but i also agree that it really depends on the person. i understood f&z better than i thought i might, and i just turned 16. i'm sure i'll grow to appreciate it even more as i get older and more experienced so to speak, but i thought it was an amazing book and i think i read it at exactly the right time in my life. i know thet i probably could have read catcher when i was about 12 or 13 and gotten it pretty well, but i know i'm glad i wasn't introduced to the whole glass family until very recently because if i started reading that when i was 12 or 13 i probably would have blown it off. same with the great gatsby,(totally different author i know, just a comparison though) it's just about my favorite book but i know that if i'd read it before this year i wouldn't have understood it as well.

also, like i said before, when my teacher read bananafish to us, pretty much the whole class was like "what's the point?" and hated it. i on the other hand made them shut thier mouths so i could hear him read the whole thing.

so if i ever had kids i'd just wait until it seemed like they were ready. i would love to give someone a copy of catcher, or any JDS book for that matter, but i don't know anyone who'd really appreciate it. soon my cousin will be old enough though, and she reads alot so hopefully i can get someone else hooked.


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