ah, sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you ...

From: Scottie Bowman <rbowman@indigo.ie>
Date: Sat Mar 08 2003 - 07:17:54 EST

    God, is there no end to it?

    I sat down to read the (fairly) amusing Giles Coren
    in this morning's Times - to find him complimenting Leeds,
    Yorkshire, on the 'honesty' of the food served in its restaurants
    & contrasting it with the pretentious waffle served up by more
    cosmopolitan foodie correspondents.

    '.... Do not listen,' he says, 'to the fools who tell you that
    it is 'post modern' or 'deconstructed' food, which is just the sort
    of half educated rubbish people will you [because they] failed
    to crack it as serious writers. Deconstruction is not what happens
    then you serve the chicken & pie separately on the same plate,
    it is the semantic condition arrived at when the logic of a text's
    language & the logic of its philosophical grundrisse contradict
    each other, creating a moment of 'aporia' (or paradox) - as any
    genuinely unpretentious journalist will tell you....'

    One more addition to the idle chatter, I'm afraid, John. You must
    forgive me. We come, obviously, from different cultures. I was
    brought up to believe that to be a gentleman one must never appear
    to take oneself seriously, or bore others with earnest conversation.
    And, above all, never to inflict hurt - unintentionally.

    Scottie B.

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