Re: BANANAFISH digest 274

helena kim (
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 22:12:30 +0000

> Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 05:16:38 -0500
> From: "Robyn  C. LeBlond" <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: BANANAFISH digest 274

> where in NYC and when?
> R.


<robyn then reposted an *ENTIRE DIGEST*>

sorry, robyn, but this is a case for...

the universal flame!

  [X ] Clueless Newbie          [  ] Lamer           [  ] Aol'er
  [  ] "Me too" er              [  ] Pervert         [  ] Geek
  [  ] Spammer                  [  ] Nerd            [  ] Elvis
  [  ] Fed                      [  ] Freak           [  ] Scientologist
  [  ] Scammer                  [  ] Dumbass         [  ] Pre-teen 
  [  ] Obnoxious Advocacy Freak [  ] Paranoid Mutant  [  ] Brain-dead

 You Are Being Flamed Because:
  [  ] You posted binaries in pieces LESS than 5000 lines
  [  ] You posted something asking for warez sites
  [X ] You quoted an ENTIRE post in your reply
  [  ] You continued a long, stupid thread
  [  ] You started/continued an off-topic thread
  [  ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
  [  ] You posted a blatently obvious troll
  [  ] You said "me too" to something
  [  ] You suck (literally]
  [  ] Your sig/alias/server sucks
  [  ] You posted a stupid pyramid money making scheme
  [  ] I think you might be a fed
  [  ] You posted in 3lIt3 CaPiTaLs because you think that makes you 
  [  ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally
worthless that you are being flamed anyway
 To Repent, You Must:
  [ ] Give up your Internet access
  [ ] Hang yourself
  [ ] Tell your Mommy you've been a bad boy/girl
  [ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
  [X] Actually post something relevant
  [ ] Install a brain that actaully works
  [ ] Read the FAQ
  [ ] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month
In Closing, I'd Like to Say:
 [ ] You need to seek psychiatric help
 [ ] Take your gibberish somewhere else
 [X] *plonk*
 [ ] Learn how to post or get off the usenet
 [ ] Most of the above
 [ ] All of the above
 [ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above
 [ ] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form.


(i mean all of this in good nature, but *please* don't repost an entire
digest again...)

(((((((((((((hork productions)))))))))))))